Some screen shots from gcpz:

cpz splash screen, before startup

Note: These screenshots sometimes render badly with some browsers and some LCD displays.

gcpz can be optioned to start off with three different terminal sizes. The default is 80 chars wide by 24 lines high. The middle size is 96 chars wide and 36 lines high. The large size is 96 chars wide and 45 lines high.

This screenshot shows the largest size (96 x 45) with information splash-text. Green-colored screen text.


gcpz now running, shows "Hit Return" screen. Green-colored screen text. Many systems in the 1980s used to synchronise the system serial speed with the serial terminal by getting the user to enter 'Enter' several times until the character as received by the computer matched the 'Enter' character.

 large screen

CP/M Banner and XDIR on large terminal screen, 96 x 45.

cpz  fmt512

gcpz with FMT512 running.

gpz 'OptionsMenu' menu bar above Screen Display

gcpz 'Options Menu' above Screen Display.