Some screen shots from ade:

ghdos splash screen, main terminal mode

Note: These screenshots sometimes render badly with some browsers and some LCD displays.

Normal mode emulates the bit-mapped Advantage Video screen which is nominally 80 characters wide and 24 characters high. In pixel terms, the screen is 640 pixels wide and 256 pixels high - but only displays 240 pixels high (24 lines). This screenshot shows splash-text and start-up herald for GHDOS 2.0.0 followed by the output of ML (Multi-List) HDOS command.  

wordstar on ade video screen

WordStar making use of the Advantage video screen emulation.

advantage diagnostics screen

Extra large characters can be produced using the bit-mappped graphics.

ade monitor console view

This is a view of the obsolescent monitor window in use.

ade monitor console view

This is a view of the emulator in use on a standard Desktop display.